Welcome to E-Steamsel project


 E-STEAMSEL Preparing Youth for the Future Labor Market  with STEAM and SEL

Project Identification

Programme: Erasmus+ Action: Strategic Partnerships for School

Project Title: E-STEAMSEL Preparing Youth for the Future Labor Market with STEAM and SEL

Number :2021-1-NO01-KA220-SCH-000032511

Project Acronym :E-STEAMSEL

Project Total Duration: 24 months

About the project

Our consortium partnership consists of Portugal (university), Slovenia (NGO), Turkey (Science and Art Center), Romania (secondary school) and Turkey(Primary School), under the coordination of Norway (NGO).
The aim of the e_ STEAMSEL project, which brings together universities, non-governmental organizations and schools, was to prepare today’s young people for the business world of the future. We aimed to improve the skills and competencies of young people, especially girls, in the fields of STEAM and SEL. Our main goal was to create activity plans suitable for the problem-based learning method that can be used in classroom applications in STEAM and SEL learning areas, based on real-life problems.With these activity plans, we applied for this project to improve the skills and competencies of our teachers and students in STEAM and SEL.

“STEAM education is one of the important approaches that nourish and support creativity.”

  • Ensure participation of girls and young people with multiple disadvantages in STEAM and SEL education.
  • Increase awareness and sensitivity among teachers, schools, and parents.
  • Ensure inclusion, equality, and easy access in STEAM and SEL learning areas.
  • Increase skills-based literacy of disadvantaged youth and girls.
  • Provide digital content and digital-skills-supported transformation in teaching and learning processes.
  • Develop innovative ways to involve students in learning activitie
  • Ensure equal access to project results for both genders.
    Goals Achieved:
  • Develop virtual platform for innovative learning solutions.
  • Created moddle-based e learning platform.
  • Produced materials for three sections.
  • Developed Skill-based learning e materials (STEAM)(IO1).
  • Created Social and Emotional Learning activities (IO2).
  • Provide Interactive Counseling Services for Parents and Students (I03).
    Target groups ;
    Young people (9-18) with disadvantages teachers, school and parents working with 9-18 age group DECISION MAKERS, Policy formulators, NGOs,youth workers and public

The STEAMSEL project has started pilot applications.

The E-STEAMSEL project is preparing our youth for the business world of the future. All project results produced have entered the testing phase with our students and teachers. The trainings and course materials we have prepared for our teachers and students in the fields of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and SEL (Social Affective Learning) will be tested. In addition, pilot applications have been initiated in our oncline guidance service for our families and students within the scope of the E-STEAMSEL project. All course materials produced are being tested in our 3 partner schools.


Anamur Science and Art Center conducted a pilot application with gifted and talented students. A total of 160 students, 320 parents and 7 teachers from different branches at the school level participated in the pilot application. The functionality and impact of lesson plans at primary, secondary and high school levels were tested in the pilot applications that lasted approximately one month.

3. Piloting Scoala Gimnaziala Grigore Moisil Galati/Romania

Our Romanian partner completed the pilot applications with secondary school students, teachers and parents. The applications where the project results were tested lasted for one month. In the pilot applications, the project results were applied to 1, 2 and 3 target groups and feedback was received. Feedback and corrections were made after each test. The excitement of the students whose lesson plans were applied was worth seeing. We are proud. We are taking our education level to the next level every day.


The E-STEAMSEL project completed its multiplier events in December and January. The events, which brought together teachers, students, parents, youth workers, adult educators and policy makers in partner countries, created quite a stir. Project results were introduced. Workshops were organized. Awareness activities were carried out to further motivate and encourage girls in the STEAM field. For more, check out our Multiplier Event e-book.


This Erasmus project complemented the work of our organizations by expanding their knowledge base, fostering collaboration with international partners, and enhancing its capacity to address challenges effectively.  One of the primary outputs of the Erasmus project is the development of educational materials. These materials are designed to promote innovative teaching methods, interdisciplinary approaches, and cross-cultural understanding. 

With the intended collaborative implementation process and the possible positive results we managed to record, our project clearly addresses the students and teachers in our participating institutions and schools. As it creates an open access platform apart from participating institutions, it has been demonstrated that it has an impact on the target group outside participating institutions and organizations at local, national and international levels. 

Developing the e-learning platform has increased the quality of education in the national and international arena. This innovative tool provided a variety of solutions for smart and modern ways of learning/teaching and data transfer, online collaboration, active use of the latest technologies. Students and teachers’ knowledge and skills will increase with an interdisciplinary approach to SEL learning and STEAM fields. What is more, the awareness of teachers, students, parents, stakeholders, policy makers and school administrations at local and national level has increased. Regardless of gender, everyone has been aware that they can access quality education. The greatest impact was seen on students who are the main beneficiaries and will be presented with new, challenging and creative learning methods. As learning becomes more engaging, their motivation will increase and they will be more willing to learn. In particular, the skills and competencies of the target group students in the field of STEAM has increased.

The inclusion and access of girls in STEAM has increased at local, regional and EU level. The project will contribute to the limited e-materials in the field of SEL learning. The interest and awareness of policy makers and educators in SEL learning and STEAM at the local level has developed.

The participants have also improved their language skills – recognize that they can communicate and develop self-confidence. The teachers, students and parents were also  included into an innovative international network. Leading teachers who produced digital content and have a culture of effective use and development will be trained and this culture will be disseminated in schools The parents also improved their competences, as they can access information more easily and communicate better with educators through the e-platform, and also see their children’s better participation in school work. We managed to achieve education with a common curriculum that enabled us to catch EU standards (STEAM and SEL). Digital content and skill-supported transformation were provided in teaching and learning processes. The parents were supported to meet with children on a common ground. Awareness and skills were also gained on multi-literacy, which is among the 21st century skills

In so far as the addressability and functionality of the IOs, is concerned, they focus especially on girls and young students with multiple disadvantages (refugees, immigrants, students with disabilities or in remote rural areas, with socio-economic disadvantages) but they also have an inclusive approach for all within the age limits. With reference to the parents of these students, there are parents as many as teachers or more who have social stereotypes. The activities implemented as part of our ESTEAMSEL project see education as a whole in this sense, thus being aware of the fact that raising the awareness of our parents and the time they spend with their children plays an important role in the success of the students. 

Thus, our students and parents enjoyed the following advantages:

The students:

  • had the opportunity to improve themselves through the e-platform in STEAM and SEL learning areas that they can use inside and outside of the school
  • had to access to science, technology, art and creative problem solving methods easier
  • had increased skills in science and mathematics literacy at the European level
  • acquired the qualifications and skills needed by the future labor market with SEL learning and STEAM activities
  • improved self-knowledge, decision making and problem solving skills
  • were  able to communicate with peers at the transnational level and develop language skills on the e learning platform
  • contributed to the equal development of girls and boys and raise awareness in gender equality.

The parents:

  • have been part of the school system and a transnational network,
  • have increased interaction and communication with their children,
  • have increased the awareness that girls and boys can be successful in STEAM

With regard to the piloting of the IOs, the teachers were especially motivated to be free from stereotypes and
prejudices and have an inclusive education approach. They had the benefit of e-learning materials that they can use by integrating them into the in-class curriculum or through the implicit extracurricular curriculum. In this sense, all our teachers played an important role in our dissemination studies. We managed to increase the awareness of our teachers in terms of both producing content, integrating the produced content into their systems and applying more STEAM and SEL. In this sense, our teachers proved to be  important actors and catalysts of dissemination.

The teachers from our schools, and not only, benefit from the following advantages:

  • have information about STEAM and SEL learning model
  • have the ability to implement these two innovative approaches as a whole
  • recognize the role of STEAM and SEL applications in the future job market and use them in classroom and extracurricular applications
  • acquire new pedagogical skills to be used in in-class and out-of-class teaching practices
  • learn about education systems within the framework of innovative approaches and methodologies
  • learn new technologies used in partner institutions, countries and companies in the labor market
  • improve skills of using advanced tools in ICT
  • collaborate with colleagues and educators from different cultures
  • learn teamwork
  • explore how young people and especially girls can benefit from the inclusion of arts in STEAM education and move away from sexist stereotypes
  •  have more confidence in Steam applications and maximum benefit from such innovative approaches with STEAM literacy
  • learn and use the benefit of Arduino in STEAM education
  • learn ways to integrate art into STEAM education
  • understand the importance of motivating more girls in the field of science
  • learn creative problem solving methods
  • strenghten E-content preparation ability

With regard to the improvements of the participa participating institutions and schools have had the following benefits: 

  • have an international e-learning platform in the field of STEAM and SEL learning
  • develop ability to equip themselves, students, parents and other stakeholders in their sphere of influence on 21st century competencies
  • contribute to the training of individuals with the “skills of the future” required by the “future labor market” at the transnational level.
  • be better equipped institutions that catch the digital transformation in education.

Therefore, our project has been highly beneficial on the internationalization of the institutions.
This partnership has helped the partner organizations in their professionalism both in the European level and on the subject matter of the project.Teachers and students have had their skills recognized, the institutions have been known in the educational and cultural community as well as at European level.
The partner institutions learnt how to engage and motivate students by using modern methodologies, by taking them out of their routine learning, by encouraging them to be creative and this will impact teachers as well, local educational authorities, too.